Monday, September 6, 2010

The Best of the Best from Australia's Cycle 5

Worse, shmorse. It's time to do the top 10 favorite shots of each cycle. Yay! And I won't be including the final 3 beach photo although it is love. But actually, this whole cycle was complete and total love and it's extremely hard to decide on my top 10, so I'll be doing top 20.

20.-TAHNEE'S Beach Photo

19.-CLARE'S London

18.-LOLA'S Chanel on a Pole

17.-CASSI'S Swimsuit Couture

16.-ELOISE'S Natural Beauty

15.-TAHNEE'S Desert

14.-ADELE'S Fashion Icons

13.-CLARE'S Chanel on a Pole

12.-CASSI'S Natural Beauty

11.-MADISON'S U by Kotex

10.-CLARE'S Swimsuit Couture

9.-MIKARLA'S Natural Beauty

8.-ADELE'S U by Kotex

7.-CASSI'S Tulle

6.-CLARE'S Beach Photo

5.-CLARE'S Natural Beauty

4.-CASSI'S Desert

3.-CLARE'S Desert

2.-ADELE'S Chanel on a Pole

And finally, the shot that beat out Adele's Chanel....

1.-CASSI'S Beach Photo

Overall, this cycle was just fantastic. Up next will be my top 10 favorite shots of Benelux and New Zealand's Cycle 1 (I'm not doing 20 again, too much work, lol). <3

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