Lovely; I absolutely love the pride that Rebeccah has in this photo and how statuesque she looks. Her neck seems to go on forever and I love how she's not afraid of the bird.
I really love this shot because of how elegant Nikita looks ad like she doesn't really care what the snake does to her or anyone in the room. Her face, like always is amazing. However, I don't like how the body looks here.
This is a great shot; I love Maryam's face and how she's really overprotective of the bird. The only thing I don't like is how crunched up her body looks; it makes her look short.
It's a nice photo. It looks like Meaghan is posing for a portrait or something. She looks very pretty here but I wish there was that extra oomph.
I like this shot a lot; I think that the styling is awesome and I love how at home Heather looks though I don't think she looks fresh in the face.
It's a nice photo and I definitely think that Tara looks really pretty here but like Meaghan, I wish it had that extra oomph to make this photo spectacular.
This is just really dull. All Jill is doing is holding the snake in her hand thinking she looks hot. It ends up looking boring and not doing anything to make this photo truly great.
A pretty girl petting a cat is pretty much all I see in this shot. It's not really a horrible thing but in fashion it's not really that great.
This looks like some 30 year old science teacher who is trying to explain the feature of this bird. I blame part of it on the styling since it is horrendous but Linsay isn't doing anything to make this shot better.
I'm not really one of those people who think that this photo is horrible. I think it's just an okay photo with strange arm placement and a confused expression. Not absolutely horrible though.
And the call outs!
FCO: Maryam
2. Heather
3. Tara
4. Meaghan
5. Rebeccah
6. Nikita
7. Ebonie
8. Linsay
Bottom 2: Jill and Tiffany
Eliminated: Tiffany