And now onto the horror!
Gasp, this is actually pretty! :O Of course only Darina could pull this off. The pose is kind of cool, but I love how relaxed the face looks. Work it out bb!
Daniela looks like a ninja about to fight which is really cool but her legs look short. Still, at least she worked it this week.
Pose is just awesome. It kind of looks like a ballerina in the air but the angle on her body is terrible and the face isn't anything lovely.
The pose is quite athletic which I guess is good but the face resembles Lexie in a way and although her personality is awesome, her face never photographed well...
Face is absolutely horrible but I've got to give Mari props for looking slightly long.
I love you Marje but seriously? This is horrible. First of all that face is just bad and I hope Marje never does that face again and her body doesn't look the best here.
Can I just say how excited I am for next shoot so I won't be needing to rank Ani this low anymore? Ani's pose is pretty good but the squinting sucks and she looks like she just smelled something rotten.
And after that lovely doll shot, Maria is back to mediocre photos. The pose is way too much and does nothing for the body and the face looks so stiff.
This is horrible. The pose is good but Anu's body looks horrible and that face is just lol.
This is just really really bad. That face looks like it's saying "WHAT?" and the pose make Manon look 4'0". Sadly, I agree about Manon's elimination.
The call outs are being messed up since Multiply has one different call outs and Wiki has another so for the rest of Finland's C1 I'll just say who got eliminated. Manon was eliminated BTW.
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