Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I have no idea why I just did that; I think it felt necessary lol. I actually think the makeovers this cycle were pretty good ironically enough. I'll start with my favorite girl and just go down.
Definitely better. I mean Anya looked gorgeous before but she looks like some ethereal ice princess or something. By far my favorite bleached hair/eye brows in ANTM. Work it out Anya!
I know a lot of people deem this as the best makeover in ANTM which I have to disagree on BUT I think this is the biggest transformation of the group and probably my favorite as well. Those orange curls were just strange but with the new hair, Fatima looks like a chocolate goddess.
Hmm IDK I think that they were heading in the right direction by dyeing her hair darker since she looks fantastic with dark hair, but I feel as though they dyed her hair a bit too dark. See here is her hair after it was dyed in some panel
and I feel that they were heading in the right direction since she looks gorgeous there and much better than before but I wished the eyebrows were a bit more visable like in here
and her hair was made a teensy bit lighter like here
She still looks gorgeous like always but I feel as though she would truly knock everyone out of the ballpark with that makeover...not with that short cut that they did a couple of panels later.

Simple makeover but I think it really works. The read hair looks lovely on Aimee and it really brings out her eyes. But like Katarzyna, I feel like the judges were on the right track but didn't really take Aimee all the way. I wish the hair was a bit more like Alice Gibb
but without the bleached eyebrows of course. Either that or a bit more bright red (but just a little. I don't think a Kayla makeover would work with Aimee at all), just as long as there was a bit more color.
The most weirdest makeover I have ever seen...but to be honest I think it works. First of all let me just say THAT BODY...absolute perfection. Anyways, I think that the hair looks good. It's different and interesting and brings attention to Marvita in the best way possible. Bravo.

Before she looked but now Lauren looks absolutely fantastic. Probably wouldn't change a thing about the makeover.

A big no. Now instead of looking like she's from America's Next Top Model, she looks like she's from America's Next Top Soccer Mom. I have no idea what the judges were thinking with this makeover. I'm not sure what I would have given her. I think Dominique's makeover should have been as light as it is in the photo below and long...I think that would probably work the best for Dominique.

Let me just start off by saying that this is without a doubt my favorite makeover shot of the bunch. Totally fabulous and I would have never expected it from Ms. Jenkins. Her makeover is amazing as well and I would do nothing to change it. Love.
Another makeover where it went horribly wrong. Before Whitney looked absolutely gorgeous though maybe not the most modelesque girl in the street. Now she looks like Anna Nicole Smith's sister or something. I don't know what type of makeover I would give Whitney though...maybe a chocolate brown hair, same hair-length as makeover? Not really sure.

Ten times better than her original makeover. Wouldn't change one bit of it (maybe make it more of a bleach blonde like Anya) though I think it would have been kind of funny if they gave her long brown hair like her much more amazing twin Karlie Kloss.
Worse IMO. Before she looked really gorgeous and I feel as though the dark hair fit her skin tone well and slightly stood out of the crowd. Now she looks so pedastrian and boring.
Just make the hair a bit shorter and it would be perfect. Nothing much else to say.
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