Okay so along with my GIF per week, I thought it would be really cool if I went back somehow to each cycle I've done and talk about how I think the girls would have done in the shoots after they were eliminated. Does it sound cool? Hopefully it will! Okay, I'll start first with America's Cycle 1 since it's the original cycle of Top Model.
Eliminated Photo:

I'll start with Stuff Magazine.
So it would have ended up like this but a bit worse since ANTM for some reason wanted to choose the worse shot in every girl's film for the show and their better one for the magazine. Still, I think this shot has a lot of flaws such as her looking like a mom and looking bland.
And now the Edgy Beauty Shots with Snakes
I personally think that she might have done good here. From what I've seen in her post-show, her best work (which is not a lot and nothing truly amazing) is beauty shots so I think that she may do good here. Nothing truly fantastic but I think stronger than at least Nicole.
For the contact lens commercial, I think that Tessa would have been very weak here. Her personality is very quiet and I could definitely see her just completely mess up here.
For Reebok, I think she ironically enough would have done great. This is a very commercial photo shoot in a way and I think that Tessa's market is probably commercial. I could definitely see her pulling some poses and giving a good photo.
The lingerie in Paris....yeah this would have been horrible. From the JLO and Stuff shoot, she looked awkward and hooch and I don't think that she would be able to give a sexy photo and show the lingerie well.
The Diamond shoot would have been probably the same thing. I would have seen at best a mediocre shot.
The black and white however, I think she would have taken a pretty photo. Like I said in the snake shoot, Tessa seems to do semi-well with beauty shoots and a natural shoot? I think she would have done good.
So overall, Tessa was bland and may have taken two extra good shots but wouldn't have been anything fantastic.
Eliminated Photo:
I'll start with the snake shoot. I don't think that Katie would have done well here. This is just not Katie's type of shoot and I really don't think she'd do that well. However she did surprise me with this shot in her post-show work

So maybe she could surprise here but IDTS.
The commercial I think Katie would have done good. I mean I think her career now is practically in television so I think she would have done really great and maybe be best of the week.
With Reebok, I think she would have just owned almost everyone. I would be very disappointed if she didn't create at least a great photo this week.
With the Lingerie in Paris I think she would have been sexy but I think it would have gone like Adrianne's were it was a bit TOO sexy.
The diamond shoot though I think she would have done good. Maybe it would have come out cheap but I don't think that would have been the case for Katie at all.
And last but not least, the B&W shoot! She would have been sensational. I honestly can't see how she couldn't have given a horrible shot this week.
So overall, Katie was robbed and really could have worked it in some of the upcoming shoots.
Eliminated Photo:

The commercial would have been bad. Nicole simply did not want to be there and I think that she would have been bland and probably awkward.
With Reebok I would probably expect a cougar-like shot. I really can't see Nicole giving a great shot like she did in the JLO shoot.
The Lingerie Shoot in Paris would practically be the same as Reebok.
The Diamond Shoot would have been so cheap. I don't think that Nicole would be able to give an expensive photo in this shoot.
The B&W would have either been bland or horrible. Nicole's best asset is her body...her face is very bland and sometimes looks aged.
Overall, Nicole left at the right time. I can't see her giving any truly good shots after she was eliminated.
At Reebok, Ebony would probably excel and give her best photo to date. I expect something like this
but with movement and I think it would work.
Lingerie at Paris would have been dreadful. Ebony is an androgynous model. Her in swimwear didn't work that well. With a male model? It would probably be ten times worse.
In the diamond shoot, I'm a bit half torn. I think that Ebony could have created a very different picture from both Adrianne and Elyse but I'm worried that it may turn out ugly.
The B&W shoot she would probably do good since she has taken some great beauty shots.
Overall I think Ebony would have done better in some of the upcoming shoots but I could also see her doing horrible in the rest. I wouldn't have taken her farther than the commercial shoot.
Eliminated Photo:

Lingerie in Paris would have probably been a really good shoot for Giselle. She's good at being sexy and I think she would have worked well with the male model.
The Diamond shoot would probably have been another home run for Giselle. I think that she could have looked regal and sexy at the same time.
B&W would have been lovely as well for sure. I highly doubt it would have been weak.
Overall, Giselle was robbed. I really see her doing well in all of the upcoming shoots and she was definitely one of the best girls there.
Eliminated Photo:

Diamond shoot would probably be bland. I mean all of Kesse's shoots minus JLO were bland so I wouldn't expect anything else but bland here.
B&W I think she may have done good. Kesse's a very pretty girl and I think she would have taken a very beautiful photo.
Overall, I thought Kesse was bland. So yeah she took one great shot and probably would have had a lovely B&W. The rest of her portfolio was boring so she would leave at Reebok for me.
Eliminated Photo:

Okay so technically Robin was eliminated after all of the shoots were done but she didn't do the nude shoot and I'm sure it would have looked bland and cougar-like.
Runner Up
I think that Shannon could have produced a good photo but she has yet to be able to take one sexy photo and this is a nude shoot. I think she would have just been plain awkward.
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