Absolute perfection. By far, my favorite shot of the cycle and one of my favorite shots of ANTM itself. I love how serene, graceful, and delicate Fatima looks here. This looks like art and is such a divine photo.

Another amazing photo from the lovely Anya! I love how she looks like a sea nymph on acid here. Her face looks amazing here and I love how graceful she looks here.

This is a very beautiful photo. I adore how it looks like she's swimming in the face and I think that her face is divine here. My only negative is I hate how Katarzyna's hair looks here.

This is a great photo. I love how artistic it looks but I do have some negatives though with this shot. First off, while I dig how Whitney looks like a fetus, she looks about 4 feet tall which obviously is horrible. Secondly, I think her face looks gorgeous here and the open mouth looks awesome here but the way that the fabric hits Whitney's neck makes it look thicker. Nonetheless, it's a lovely photo,

This shot has grown on me immensely. While before I thought it was just okay, I'm actually thinking it's pretty good. While I do like the pose (even though Fatima does it better) and I think Claire looks very serene, she looks as if she's going to cry in the close up which doesn't really work.

I thin this shot is just okay. While I like that Stacy Ann didn't go for the elegant look and her body looks great, her face looks very weak and isn't emoting any emotions.

I think the face looks quite beautiful but the body looks horrible and messy. I wish she would bring a little more elegance in the pose.

This is a mess. She looks like she's drowning rather than floating and her body and face look bad here. Poor Lauren but I'm glad she stayed since she has taken some great photos.
And the call outs from Miss Banks!
1. Fatima
2. Anya
3. Katarzyna
4. Whitney
5. Stacy Ann
6. Dominique
7. Lauren
8. Claire
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