This is fabulous. Clare looks extremely tall here, and like always her skin looks fabulous. She looks so tired yet so alive at the same time. The pose is broken-down, yet simple at the same time. Plus finally she gets FCO! Wooh!
This shot is a little bit overrated, but it's still a great shot and a major improvement from last week. What I love about this is how Cassi looks like she's saying that she'll never make it out of the desert alive. It's very cool. The only thing I don't like about this shot is the vein on her shoulder, it kind of creeps me out.
Again major improvement from last week. This is stunning. I love how Tahnee looks like she's been trying to get out of the desert for days and is tired of getting lost. I dig it. Plus I love the wind in the hair, it makes this shot even more dynamic.
This looks like a movie still, like Lola just got in a fight with her boyfriend and decided to just leave him and find her way back to the city. It's very cool. Even with her face down, I can see a lot of emotion.
Well unlike the others, this shot doesn't really have a story to it, but it was more about selling the lingerie, which she does a good job at. But it's a great shot, just not as great as the four above her.
Ugh, I hate all of these stupid eliminations (this being one of them). Seriously, what's with them? Anyways, Maddie looks hot here, but that's it. She's not doing anything else.
This is actually a nice shot. Franky looks like she's lounging, waiting for someone to save her. But just like Maddie, she's not really doing anything that makes me want to look twice, it's just okay.
Okay, well this isn't a really bad shot, it's just awkward. She's pulling that guy down in a really strange way that doesn't really make any sense, then she's looking at the camera in a really bored expression. Again, this isn't a bad shot, it's just boring.
FCO: Clare
2. Adele
3. Tahnee
4. Cassi
5. Franky
6. Lola
Bottom 2: Laura M. and Madison
Eliminated: Madison T_T
Totally agree on the FCO, but honestly, Laura should have gone. Next shoot is Chanel. <3
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