This is amazing. There's something so elf-like about this shot that just take my breath away. Her skin as usual is flawless and the blonde hair looks amazing here.
Okay, so Mikarla's performance on set wasn't the best, but this shot is AMAZING. The squinting actually makes this shot much better rather than bringing it down. Great job from gorgeous.
Another gorgeous shot from Cassi. This is amazing and perfect for a casting shot. Cassi looks so young and fresh here. A lot of people hate the teeth here, but for me it's fine. Great shot from Cassi.
Okay, Eloise is officially the inconsistent girl of the cycle. This is gorgeous. This is Elle McPherson's fierce daughter. Her hair looks amazing here and her face is very soft. Just wait for next week's bad shot from Eloise :P .
Major improvement. Like Mikarla, the squinting actually works here. The hair looks amazing and Tahnee looks gorgeous. The only reason that she's at 5th is because I prefer the other 4 above her, still, this is gorgeous.
Okay, so she was eliminated for this?! Dang it the judges underrated Georgie. Huge unpopular opinion, but I actually love this. Georgie looks like a cute boy here (but I mean it in the best way possible). The only thing I don't like is the hair cut they gave her. What were they thinking?!
Probably the most dramatic makeover this cycle, but I actually am liking it. The squinting at first didn't work for me, but now I actually love it. Just like Tahnee's shot, it's not that I hate this shot, I actually like it a lot...it's just I prefer the ones above her.
Well looking at this again, I actually like it a lot. First of all, I love the hippie, bohemian feel that comes in this photo. The eyes look gorgeous and have a determined look that I actually like rather than hate.
And this is where the squinting doesn't work. First of all the makeover sucks. Her head looks really big and kind of egg-shaped which isn't really great. It's a good shot though, just not as great of a shot as the 8 above her.
I actually think that the cut is fine, but it didn't really make her pop out more. It's just boring. It's not good or bad, just boring. And again, she doesn't really look that fresh.
And now as much it pains me to put her last, I have no other choice.
This isn't good. First of all, her head looks very big and the jaw looks a little manly (not in a good way). Well, luckily Lola does better next shoot.
Here's the on-show callout:
FCO: Tahnee
2. Eloise
3. Cassi
4. Clare
5. Franky
6. Laura M.
7. Lola
8. Adele
9. Madison
Bottom 2: Mikarla and Georgie
Eliminated: Georgie
LOL, my callout is pretty much different from this. Well next shoot is eh. Probably the second worst shoot of the cycle, but still good.
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