First week and Clare wipes out the competition! This is gorgeous. Clare looks so long and lean. She is definitely selling the swimsuit while exuding confidence. Fabulous start for Clare!
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know it's not the official photo, it's the uncropped version, but now that I look at it, it's way more fabulous than the cropped one. First of all Cassi's legs look MILES long. She is selling the swimsuit while having to lay on a flamingo thing and having to deal with all of the rain. The face here looks a little bit stiff, but in the cropped version it's so soft and FAB-U-LOUS!
Well I know this is more of a beauty shot rather than a shot to sell swimsuit, but it's still absolutely gorgeous. Maddie looks so calm and relaxed, which is good considering all of the water they had on set. I'm glad that the surfer chick did a great job this week.
Probably Eloise's second best shot after her beauty shot. Eloise looks like she's just laying down in the tube relaxing and getting tan. Everything works here except for the the stomach area. I don't like those ribs that look like they're going to pop out. But still, it's a wonderful shot.
This is an awesome shot. Georgie looks so strong and I love the pissed off expression she has here. Plus she does look pretty tall. I'm starting to love this shot all over again.
Didn't Lola have a fabulous performance on set? Well this shot is good, but I'm sure she had to have better shots. I like how she looks like she just won an Oscar for swimming or something and she's giving her speech. What I don't like though is that she's squinting her eyes so much. That just makes this shot from great to good/okay.
Okay, well I know this photo is boring, but this is DEFINITELY not bottom 2-worthy. Adele's body looks great here and the swimsuit looks nice. The face reminds me slightly of Katarzyna from ANTM Cycle 10. Like I said before, this photo isn't good nor bad, just really boring. Good thing that Adele gets better after this.
Like Adele this shot is not good or bad, just really really boring. I kind of like how Franky is looking ahead as if there's a journey that must be taken with the giant red lipstick, but she lost her neck, and the shot is just boring.
I was on the fence of rather to rank Tahnee higher or lower than Adele and Franky, but I decided to rank her below them. Like Adele and Franky, this shot isn't bad nor is it good-it's boring. I'll start with the positives, the purple lips looks amazing and that headpiece is gorgeous. But the problem is that Tahnee's eyes look REALLY uneven and she looks sick. Normally I'm fine if the mouth isn't closed since sometimes it does work, but here it just makes this shot even worse. Not a good start for Tahnee.
This shot is not good, at all for me. Laura's squinting into nothingness and her neck looks extremely stiff and short. Not really a good shot, though I do love the blue eyebrows and luckily there was worse this week.
It really pains me to put Mikarla this low since I love her look and her photos are pretty good, but this is horrible. Mikarla looks so skinny (and not in a good way) and awkward and I hate looking at her ribs there. Luckily there was worse and the gorgeous Mikarla gets better.
For a gorgeous girl who modeled before coming into this competition, this is bad. Laura looks huge and looks like she is trying to get away from the sun. This is awkward, and just eh.
This is really bad. Leah looks so awkward here. The pose doesn't really work and the mouth should be closed. On the upside, Leah's face looks pretty, but then again just blah.
Here's what the real callout was on the show:
IMMUNITY: Franky (for best walk)
2. Cassi
3. Tahnee
4. Eloise
5. Clare
6. Mikarla
7. Lola
8. Madison
9. Laura M.
10. Georgie
11. Leah
Bottom 2: Adele and Laura T.
Eliminated: Laura T.
Wow, my callout order is completely different. Though I agree on the elimination, I probably would have put Leah in the bottom 2 with Laura T. gone. Anyways, next up is Tulle on Trapeza. Get ready for a gorgeous shoot. <3
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