This is amazing. I love how Rosalinde is kind of reconnecting with her lover or something through the mirror and I also think that she handles the make up very well.
This is lovely. I love how she kind of looks like she was caught off guard. Definitely Lianne's best shot.
Like Lianne, this is definitely Justine's best shot. I love how she's not looking at the camera. I think it adds a little bit more je-ne-sais-quoi. It's a gorgeous shot.
I kind of like this. I love how regal Catharina looks here. I don't like how high her head is here, it looks a little strange and that eye make up looks terrible here. But besides that, this is a pretty good shot.
This is nice. Just like Catharina's, I love how regal it is but the make up sucks and she looks a little old. BRAVO at them changing the hair color. I can't believe that someone would die it bright red.
This is so dull. There's nothing really modelesque about this shot. Although at least she looks pretty.
This is...okay. I kind of like the mystery in her expression, but she looks about 30 here and besides the way she placed her left hand, there's really nothing great about this.
This is a huge step-down for Maxime. She looks as if she has a double chin, looks bigger than she normally is, doesn't look particularly fresh, and her forehead is working against her rather than working for her.
This is bad. Denise looks like a modern day wolf here which isn't really a good thing. There's nothing really good about this shot sadly. I'm glad she stepped it up.
Now the show's callouts:
FCO: Denise
2. Rosalinde
3. Justine
4. Maxime
5. Lianne
6. Bianca
7. Catharina
Bottom 2: Melanie and Tessa
Eliminated: Melanie and Tessa
Up next is my favorite shoot of the cycle! Yay!
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