Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ice, Ice, Baby

Best shoot of the cycle? Probably! Amazing shoot and fantastic elimination! Nicole quit (I think temporarily but it may be permanent) and Magdalena took her place.

Just amazing. Seriously those eyes, those lips, the way she created a frame like that. This is just stunning.

Don't get the hate for this shot. This kind of looks like some gorgeous Cover Girl shot and she looks amazingly stunning here.

Once again an amazing shot. Love how her hair covers up her face and she looks like an ice queen here. Love.

Strong, amazing. Love the hand placement and the jewelry looks fantastic on Anna. Her eyes look amazing here.

Adorable shot. I love Emilia's face here but I wish they could have cropped it so it would be a beauty shot and it can't compete with the four above her.

Quite beautiful, soft, and delicate but nothing else to it. My love for this shot has died down since I used to really love it two days ago lol.

Paulina's weakest shot for me. I mean it's a truly gorgeous photo but the open mouth and damp hair is a bit too much for me.

Don't get the love for this photo. I mean the styling is pretty fantastic but Marta isn't doing anything at all to make this shot work and I wish she brought down that expression a little.

Styling is gorgeous but Weronika looks like a mess. Her eyes look wonky and she really isn't doing anything spectacular for herself/the jewelry.

And call outs!
FCO: Aleksandra
2. Paulina
3. Emilia
4. Magdalena
5. Beata
6. Katarzyna
7. Anna

Bottom 2: Weronika and Marta
Eliminated: Marta
And Nicole quit but I'm not sure if it's temporary or permanent.

Switching Genres

A bit of a step down from the last three shoots but still good nonetheless. I'm not in the mood to give long critiques so since I'm so behind, short critiques here we come!

So hot. Love how Emilia's twirling the girl's (or is it a guy?) hair. She looks amazing and her stare is just *inserts heart here*.

Why hello gorgeous. Katarzyna definitely transformed and she looks hot here.

This is Aleksandra? :O Well, she definitely looks amazing. Love the attitude and the shape she created with the other person.

I'm not sure if this is unpopular or not but I actually really like this shot of Beata...from the neck up. Her face looks stunning here but from neck down her body looks very square.

Lol, why did they style her like an old man? Despite that she looks cool although it's nothing amazing from the gorgeous Anna.

Huge step up from Nicole. Love the attitude she gives here but I wish there was more anger here.

Paulina's weakest shot for sure. Love everything she's giving but she doesn't look like a model.


Comical but doesn't look like a model.

That's just a really creepy shot. She looks possessed here and there's nothing about fashion in this shot.

And call outs!
FCO: Anna
2. Emilia
3. Paulina
4. Marta
5. Weronika
6. Beata
7. Katarzyna

Bottom 2: Aleksandra and Pamela
Eliminated: Pamela

ANTM H2T Commercial

Strange way to do a commercial since the girls had to roller skate while they speak and it ended up turning into an epic failure minus one or two and a terrible elimination. So here we go!

Lol and the worst part is that this was the first episode of the cycle that I didn't watch on youtube and my top 2 is in the bottom 2. T_T

1.JANE-ABSOLUTE PERFECTION. Seriously, I have no flaws about this commercial and I thought Jane looked absolutely beautiful and she seemed so adorable. I honestly didn't expect this from her.

2.CHRIS-Didn't expect anything else from Chris. She has such an awesome personality and Chris is a very commercial yeah Chris was amazing and I'm glad she got FCO.

3.CHELSEY-Not as amazing as Jane and Chris but it was very good. I agree with Tyra though; I wish Chelsey was a bit more fun but it's still a very good commercial.

4.KAYLA-For what happened to Kayla, I just have to say bravo to her! You can tell she was a bit nervous and scared and she did make up words but she looked beautiful. The beginning and end was pretty great but the middle was a bit mediocre. Still, bravo to Kayla.

5.ESTHER-So Esther was eliminated for this which was pretty insane but her commercial was blah. Nothing else to say but the judges were definitely way too harsh on her.

6.ANN-Ann had an extremely hard time in this commercial and obviously it was a trainwreck but I thought the beginning before she almost fell was pretty fantastic. Hopefully Ann steps it up next week, but then again, I'm sure she will.

7.LIZ-Laughing at the product? Wasn't Mila eliminated for doing that in C9? Well, she definitely fit the look but her commercial was so terrible and there really wasn't anything about it that was great. She looked awkward here.

And the real call outs were:
FCO: Chris
2. Jane
3. Chelsey
4. Kayla
5. Liz

Bottom 2: Ann and Esther
Eliminated: Esther

Up next the girls go to Venice!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Beautiful in the Rain

Nice shoot, okay results but it's still not that amazing so I'll give quick critiques since I don't really have much time.

Just perfection. Love how diva-like she looks.

So Kristy was eliminated for this and like Kamila, it's quite laughable. This shot is just stunning and shows Kristy's features to perfection.

Demelza is such an ugly-pretty girl which is definitely good for fashion. Her face looks stunning and I love how soft she looks here.

Quite gorgeous and strong but there's something off about the face.

Gorgeous shot, love the Rebecca's face here and I think that she shows it off well here.

Pretty, but nothing amazing. Lovely skin though.

Caris looks absolutely gorgeous here but she looks very tense and looks like she's about to cry. Still, it's a nice shot.

Samantha is beautiful, nothing else to say about that but here that's it. It's a boring shot of a beautiful girl.

I like how Jamie covers half the frame but like Samantha, it's boring.

It's a nice shot which I guess is an unpopular opinion but the anger expression does not work.

It would be a great shot in a different angle.

Absolutely terrible. Her eyes look wonky and there's nothing to redeem that.

And call outs!
FCO: Rebecca
2. Alexandra
3. Emma
4. Samantha
5. Caris
6. Jamie
7. Alyce
8. Leiden
9. Alamela
10. Demelza

Bottom 2: Belinda and Kristy
Eliminated: Kristy

Up next is a shoot that is actually really good.

Designer Pets

Nice shoot, love the simplicity. Nothing amazing but it definitely had good results.

Absolutely gorgeous. Love the pride and elegance Chelsey has in this shot. There's something so stunning about Chelsey in this shot that just makes fall more in love with it.

So Ann's FCO streak got broken which makes me sad since the two people who were called higher than her had worse shots than Ann in my opinion but anyways I do love this shot a lot. It's very simple, relaxed, and has Ann's awkard attitude. The face is just stunning here and Ann is awesome.

This shot is fabulous. Despite Jane looking feminine in the shoot I think she really looks masculine yet she still looks like her gorgeous self. I love how relaxed and expensive she looks here. What got me mad though is how the judges were to Jane. First off, I really don't like that they were battering Jane about not knowing who Marc Jacobs was (which I'm sure she does know who he is but maybe doesn't really look into his work and did not admit that she didn't know who he was from what I saw) yet they applauded Liz for her photo which in my opinion is worse and also applauded her for not knowing who John Galliano was at all yet told Jane that she has a high chance of getting eliminated because she didn't know who her designer was. Yeah that's just insane but despite all of that, Jane just got a bottom 3.

So Esther was in the bottom 2 which based on this shot was completely unfair but on set she did seem a little lost. Anyways onto the shot, it really is gorgeous. I love the cool, rockstar attitude and honestly it trumps Renee C8's shot by a mile. Esther was amazing once again.

So this shot is not terrible at all but the shots above her are much better. This is probably Liz's best shot...but it isn't that fantastic. I mean she's got the attitude and it's fierce and fabulous and she definitely interacted with the other model the most, but the other model outshines her. Seriously the other model is just so quirky in this shot and has probably my favorite photo of the week.

Doesn't Chris kind of look like Chanel Iman here? Anyways, this shot of Chris is really adorable and totally embodies Betsey. There's really nothing wrong with this shot except that I prefer the five above her.

So Kendal got eliminated for this which is pretty sad considering that she was so gorgeous and was better than some of the girls left. This shot is pretty but that's it. It doesn't excite me or anything. Kendal's just there.

Not good. I mean the face is okay but it doesn't look very modelesque and the pose makes her body look weird and they don't go well together. As much as I loved Kayla in the beginning, she has not impressed me these last three weeks and she has so much going against her, I would probably eliminate her here.

And the show's call outs!
FCO: Liz
2. Kayla
3. Ann
4. Chelsey
5. Chris
6. Jane

Bottom 2: Esther and Kendal
Eliminated: Kendal

Monday, October 25, 2010

Emotional Models

A bit of a step down but it's still a good shoot.

Well this is just fantastic. Love the sadness in Sanne's eyes like she just lost her love. Just amazing.

This really is a gorgeous shot and definitely Daisy's best. I love how she looks like she's trying to cover up the emotion. The only negative is her eyes look a bit wonky but I still love this shot a lot.

Charmayne looks like an Analeigh 2.0 here which is of course awesome. I love the joy in this shot and how playful Charmayne looks.

This is such a cute shot of Ovo. I think that the smile is really believable although maybe a bit too much. Still, Ovo really looks gorgeous here.

I think that this shot is really gorgeous. Sylvia really looks pissed and her eyes as always look gorgeous but here they look a bit wonky. Still it's a great shot.

Marcia is definitely the dutch Fo. Anyways, this shot is okay. It doesn't show any emotion and Marcia just looks there.

Not a good shot of Anna Marie. She just looks bored and not as beautiful as normally. And that hair is really strange.

This shot is kind of cute and looks like a pissed doll but the eyes look really wonky here and brings down the shot a lot.

And call outs!
FCO: Ovo
2. Charmayne
3. Sanne
4. Sylvia
5. Daisy
6. Anna Marie

Bottom 2: Marcia and Annika
Eliminated: Annika

Up next is a car shoot with awesome results.

Casually Flirting

Simple shoot but there were great results from it.

This shot is just stunning and a huge step up from Anna Marie. There's something so serene and angelic about her in this shot that just makes the shot amazing. Love her hair here and her face looks fantastic here.

EYES, EYES, EYES, EYES! Those eyes are just amazing. There's something soft and alluring about this shot. Once again, a fantastic shot from Charmayne.

This is so adorable. I love how sweet and innocent Sanne looks here yet still gorgeous. Another hit from Sanne.

Sylvia is such a gorgeous girl and you can definitely tell here. I love the bohemian look on Sylvia and I love the slight movement of hair on her face.

Definitely a step up for Ovo. There's something so soft and serene about Ovo in this shot which really works well. And she looks stunning.

Everything about this shot is gorgeous except for the face. There's something that just doesn't connect well between the body and face. Still, it's a gorgeous shot.

This is okay; I mean it's definitely an improvement from last week and Marcia does look beautiful (kind of looks like Fo here) but that's pretty much it for me. She really isn't doing anything in the face or pose that makes the shot pop.

I don't think this is a bad shot whatsoever but it's a bit underwhelming after last week. She looks pretty but like Marcia, that's it. Still it is a good shot nonetheless.

This is bad. I mean the pose is fine and all but that face looks like it smelled something bad. I wouldn't have eliminated Stefanie here since she did do good last week but nonetheless it's a bad shot.

And call outs!
FCO: Sanne
2. Daisy
3. Ovo
4. Marcia
5. Annika
6. Charmayne
7. Anna Marie

Bottom 2: Sylvia and Stefanie
Eliminated: Stefanie

Up next is a shoot about emotions and it's not as amazing as the first two shoots but it is good.