This shot is just stunning and a huge step up from Anna Marie. There's something so serene and angelic about her in this shot that just makes the shot amazing. Love her hair here and her face looks fantastic here.
EYES, EYES, EYES, EYES! Those eyes are just amazing. There's something soft and alluring about this shot. Once again, a fantastic shot from Charmayne.
This is so adorable. I love how sweet and innocent Sanne looks here yet still gorgeous. Another hit from Sanne.
Sylvia is such a gorgeous girl and you can definitely tell here. I love the bohemian look on Sylvia and I love the slight movement of hair on her face.
Definitely a step up for Ovo. There's something so soft and serene about Ovo in this shot which really works well. And she looks stunning.
Everything about this shot is gorgeous except for the face. There's something that just doesn't connect well between the body and face. Still, it's a gorgeous shot.
This is okay; I mean it's definitely an improvement from last week and Marcia does look beautiful (kind of looks like Fo here) but that's pretty much it for me. She really isn't doing anything in the face or pose that makes the shot pop.
I don't think this is a bad shot whatsoever but it's a bit underwhelming after last week. She looks pretty but like Marcia, that's it. Still it is a good shot nonetheless.
This is bad. I mean the pose is fine and all but that face looks like it smelled something bad. I wouldn't have eliminated Stefanie here since she did do good last week but nonetheless it's a bad shot.
And call outs!
FCO: Sanne
2. Daisy
3. Ovo
4. Marcia
5. Annika
6. Charmayne
7. Anna Marie
Bottom 2: Sylvia and Stefanie
Eliminated: Stefanie
Up next is a shoot about emotions and it's not as amazing as the first two shoots but it is good.
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