Upgrade. Although I love the alienesque beauty, I feel her hair before wasn't amazing while I do like the polished look here.
Nooooooooooooooooooooo! T_T This is such a downgrade. Before Paulina looked so young and adorable and now she looks like some celebrity host. :( I would have loved if she went a little darker and maybe trim her hair but not cut it off.
This makeover is definitely an upgrade but IDK I wish they would have gone a little further and made her hair a little blonder as well as her eyebrows. Still, this color does look much better than before.
Downgrade. I really loved the way her hair looked before and I thought Anna looked extremely angelic while here although she does look nice, she doesn't stand out.
It's a nice makeover but IDK I think I would have preferred if Nicole went a little darker. Still, she looks stunning here as well.
Ugh, my love for Aleksandra is starting to go lower after her shot this week. ;( Still, I think she looked gorgeous last time but better now so upgrade.
Upgrade times ten. Emilia looks absolutely fantastic here and her face looks absolute perfection. Only negative is that I wish the bangs were a little lower but it's still an amazing shot.
Well, doesn't Pamela look amazing here?! Before she looked plain and pedestrian and now she just looks stunning. Upgrade for sure.
Totally different person and definitely loving it. The only problem that she will probably have is making sure not to look like a mom but I'm sure she can avoid that. So upgrade.
Nothing dramatic but nonetheless an upgrade. Love the polished look on Weronika.
Yay! No more Gaga! Paulina looks fantastic and probably my favorite transformation of the cycle.
Upgrade although still meh. Sonia's a very pretty girl but I think that she's a very boring girl when it comes to looks although she is very pretty.
Up next will be a shoot where the girls have to pose with all sorts of nasty creatures which will be up in a while along with C15's shoot and Denmark's shoot. I will first be completing Australia's Cycle 6 first though.
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