
This is just fantastic. I love how Kelsey looks like some 60's pinup and she looks absolutely stunning here and her body looks amazing. Sensational.

Amazing shot; the color looks lovely on Amanda and Amanda herself looks stunning.

Nice cover a bit more like a celebrity posing but still nice. I hate that we can't really see Sophie's face in the best angle though.
And then Kelsey and Amanda were the last two standing where Sarah (aka the host) told Kelsey that she was the winner. Kelsey was so excited and gave her thank you speech and Sarah apologized saying it was an accident and that the winner was really Amanda. Poor Kelsey although I'm glad she got some prizes and YAY AT AMAZING AMANDA WINNING!
And my final elimination order :D
16. Ashlea (Bad shot, cute girl but not a model.)
15. Claire (Bad shot, and like Ashlea, not a model.)
14. Brittney (Pretty shot but terrible for fashion. Pretty girl but not the best for fashion.)
13. Chantal (Dull, dull, dull)
12. Megan (Nice photo although she looks very "mature" which is obviously not good.)
And those would be the five I would eliminate first.
11. Valeria (Of the three girls who left first, I think that Valeria would be the weakest. Absolutely gorgeous girl, but I don't think she's really ready for fashion yet)
10. Sally (Stunning girl, but her shots would have probably been good but not as strong)
9. Alison (I love love love Alison and I thought her first shot was absolutely fantastic but I don't think she would be good for a swimwear shoot. I mean she can always prove wrong like Rebecca Rose, but IDK I don't think she would have. T_T)
8. Sophie (Bad shot, weak portfolio compared to the rest. Sorry but this is as far as I would take Sophie.)
7. Kimberly (Weakest portfolio of the seven remaining and TBH I don't think her shot would have been that fantastic this week.)
6. Ashton (Ashton is amazing and completely robbed. I could see her doing fantastic here but the other girls have stronger portfolios overall and I can't eliminate Joanna here with her portfolio.)
5. Kelsey (Kelsey is such a stunning girl, but her shot this week was the weakest of the five and her portfolio can't save her)
4. Joanna (I think that Joanna would have had nice shots this week, but I don't really think they would have been fantastic. I'm not sure if she would do well here although she could but I'm not sure.)
3. Jessica (This definitely isn't Jessica's forte and I don't think that Jessica can compete against Amanda and Kathryn portfolio-wise)
2. Kathryn (Kathryn's portfolio is practically flawless but the problem is that her body is absolutely terrible and her proportions aren't great. Still, Kathryn is amazing.)
1. Amanda (Amanda pretty much owned everyone else minus Kathryn. She has pretty much everything to be a model and I can't wait to see what she'll bring in the future.)
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