Best of the worst. Face and pose looks great and Giselle definitely looks fairly tall although her body looks a little weird here. :/
Like last week, not her genre but Elyse did rock it although she looks a little cougar-like. Geez I hate saying that about Elyse. T_T
Great body but boring pose and there's really no life in the face. This is definitely the case of resting on pretty.
Elimination worthy? Yeah, sure *ends sarcasm* Boring shot, maybe a little hooch but it's still okay which isn't something I can't say about the ones below her.
Nice face I guess although the smile looks forced and her body doesn't look too athletic.
Step up from last shoot but she looks way too bony here which has always bothered me although the face looks nice I guess.
Body is meh but face is absolutely terrible and makes the shot very hooch. Major step down from Kesse.
Nicole's body is pretty good and I hate that she's covering it plus her face looks pretty bad here.
This is bad. Looks like a 40 year old women posing in a photo...not good at all.
Show's call outs!
FCO: Shannon
2. Nicole
3. Giselle
4. Robin
5. Adrianne
6. Ebony
7. Elyse
Bottom 2: Kesse and Katie
Eliminated: Katie
Up next is probably the best shoot of the cycle! It's an extreme beauty shoot with snakes with some fabulous results.
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