Looks like someone took Catharina's throne. :( Well, despite that Katarzyna really looks fantastic here. I think her face just looks fantastic with all of the make up and I love the way the snake wrapped around Katarzyna. Amazing shot and I'm really hoping there's more to come.
Yay at Paulina starting off so amazingly! This is seriously fantastic; love the soft and romantic face and how the hair covers a part of the face and I love how she doesn't look scared of the snake...yeah I think I'm going to move Paulina to my top 2 with Katarzyna.
This is such an awesome shot of Beata. I really love the exhausted look on her face (which BTW looks amazing. I kind of see a small resemblance of Gemma Ward which is of course an instant win) and I love the way she's holding the snake. Lovely.
This is very Frida Kahlo-esque which is always pure win. I love the rough look versus her soft expression and I think Nicole really transformed in this shot. This shot looks like art.
Well this is a shock since I thought Pamela would give boring photos although I always thought Pamela was very pretty but very bland. This shot however is lovely. I love the glimmer in Pamela's eyes and I think her face looks fantastic here.
Well, this is another shock but even more shocking than Pamela's. I would have never guessed that Weronika would have taken such an amazing shot based on the preshow shot. I love the symmetry of her face here and how the snake goes down the middle of it. I love the slightly open mouth and gold lips here.
Adorable shot; love how symmetrical everything is and I think that Emilia's face and makeover looks amazing here.
I think that Zuzanna really transformed here and I love how she really doesn't look scared of the scorpion. It's a bit bland compared to the 7 above her, but it's still a great shot.
Where's that pageant girl?! :O Still, it's a pretty great shot and I love how tough Marta looks here; I just think that she's relying on the awesome make up. Still, it's a great shot.
Yay! No more Gaga! Great shot; love how her face looks here but like Marta I don't think she's doing anything amazing in this shot. It just looks like the make up is really making the shot interesting.
Bland, bland, bland. I like the contrast between her hair/skin tone versus the iguanas but besides that, it's a boring shot.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! T_T This is a terrible shot. It's so awkward and her face looks puffy. I think though that she had better shots because I found a screen cap that was absolutely stunning (click here). Please let Anna have amazing photos.
And then to top off my misery about Anna, Aleksandra does terrible as well. Her expression is all kinds of wrong and just makes her face look dull and "mature" which Aleksandra doesn't really have.
And the call out order!
FCO: Beata
2. Sonia
3. Nicole
4. Paulina Pszech
5. Katarzyna
6. Weronika
7. Aleksandra
8. Emilia
9. Paulina Papierska
10. Pamela
11. Anna
Bottom 2: Marta and Zuza (or Zuzanna)
Eliminated: Zuzanna
Not terribly mad about the elimination; next shoot will be IDK but we should know tomorrow. Thank you laziness haha.
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