
So Ann got FCO for this which I think is much deserved since A. She's amazing and B. This photo is fantastic. TBH I would have never expected Ann to do good in this shoot, but she really did amazing. I love the confidence she has in this shot and how she doesn't care what anyone else say. And on the show, this girl is just love as well. Ann congratulations! You beat Esther and are now my new favorite.

This is just gorgeous. I love how possessed Chelsey looks here and I really like the way she placed her arms over her body. This is a really creepy shot and I definitely love it especially her eye contact. Personality-wise, Chelsey seems like a really cool chick so hopefully she's going to make it far.

This photo is just amazing. I absolutely adore the vulnerability that Kayla has in this shot and how she's looking up for hope and freedom. I really underrated Kayla because now she's probably one of my favorite girls. She's so sweet and adorable and she really is relatable.

Poor Anamaria got the mean edit in this episode. :( She really was a little off-putting but I guess that was just the edit she got. I wish she stayed longer since it's obvious that she has a huge amount of potential and is actually photogenic. I also really didn't like how Tyra and the judges addressed the situation of Anamaria maybe being too skinny (they pretty much said that she needed to eat some avocado and whatever other food) which really isn't fair. I think that Anamaria is naturally skinny since that's what she said and I think that there are much more skinnier people in the industry (I mean didn't she weigh 110?). Well at least she gained 10 pounds supposedly so good for her! Anyways back to the shot; it's really gorgeous. I love how she's trying to hide herself from something because she's worried that they're going to see her. Anyways it's a stunning shot. ROBBED!

This is such a gorgeous shot of Kendal; Her skin looks practically flawless here and I love how she knows she's hot and she's not going to let any bullies let her think other-wise. Kendal is so sweet personality-wise; she kind of reminds me of Dani which of course is always a plus.

Pose-wise, I'm not that big of a fan of the shot. I don't think Jane is doing anything extraordinary to make this shot catch my eye. The close up however is just perfection. I love how romantic she looks here and how stunning she is.

First of all, a big lol at what happened during panel with Nigel. Tyra asks what size cup are her breasts and she said just said G-cup nonchalantly and then here is Nigel's reaction to that:
Anyways back to the shot; this isn't necessarily great, but Esther really does look sexy. I think it's a little too much though where it starts becoming hooch, but it's still a good shot. I wish she got more airtime though. :(

So Lexie has definitely grown on me since the casting episode and I feel like an idiot for falling for the edit. She definitely seems like a cool girl. This shot however is not really that cool; I mean I love the confidence and I think her body and face looks nice but I think it's a very dull photo and it really isn't anything special.

So this is a really gorgeous shot of Kacey, but I do have some problems with it. I really love the pose and I think her body looks great, but I hate the way she tilted up her face like that since it's a very strange angle on her face and it's just a very strange angle. I also agree with the judges about how this doesn't look like a shot of a model rather than of an athlete. Still, it's a nice shot and she does look stunning.

So after watching this episode and really thinking about it, I'm back to thinking that Liz is very bland. This shot is just very dull; I mean the pose is nice I guess, but the face is just very blah and pedestrian.

This is an okay shot of Chris. I mean her face here is very soft and very nice, but I really hate the dramatic make up and I think the pose does not work here.

This is a really bad photo of Terra; I mean I don't even understand how the pose is obvious because it just reads awkward to me. The face does not look that great either although her lips do look lovely.

Personality-wise, I really love Rhianna, but as a model I think that she is terrible. The pose itself is just insane since it does nothing for her body and it's very unflattering. Her face looks very wonky and strange which is not good.

On the runway, Sara looked absolutely gorgeous, but here she looks very manly. Her body looks great here, but her face looks very drag. Hopefully she either steps it up big time or leaves soon.
And the show's call out:
FCO: Amazing Ann
2. Kayla
3. Chelsey
4. Kendal
5. Lexie
6. Liz
7. Jane
8. Esther
9. Chris
10. Rhianna
11. Kacey
12. Sara
Bottom 2: Anamaria and Terra
Eliminated: Terra
Next shoot is going to be maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakeovers and a falling angels shoot. Yay!
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