This is just fantastic. I love everything from the movement in the dress the way that she's tilting her head back. Just love and without a doubt my favorite shot of the cycle!
This is just lovely. I love how she's posing like she's about to touch the sky and her face looks godess-like. Another home-run for Gemma!
This is fantastic once again. I absolutely adore her skin here and the way she's leaning back like that and from what we see her body looks lovely. I really would love to find a bigger image of this though.
This is stunning. I love the curious expression on Zoe's face and the way she's extending her neck. Lovely.
This is gorgeous. I love the simple pose and the dramatic face. Great shot from Samantha.
This is really cool. I've always loved the pose here, but her face is very weak though and brings down this shot...a lot.
So I think that Simmone looks really pretty here, but that's it. The pose is boring and her face looks very pedestrian here.
So yeah all I could find was a screen cap. :/ The shot is alright; Nicole looks very awkward in this image and not really fresh. Major step down for her, but still not elimination-worthy.
This is bad once again. Pose is lame, face is terrible, hair is bad, yeah overall this is really bad and one of my least favorite shots of the cycle.
And the call outs from the show:
FCO: Gemma
2. Samantha
3. Shannon
4. Chloe
5. Simmone
6. Atong
7. Zoe
Bottom 2: Allana and Nicole
Eliminated: Nicole
Up next is one of the worst shoots of the cycle if not the worst shoot. :/
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