
This is just perfection. Everything from her body to the way that she is trying to look away in disgust to her skin to how expensive she looks. Love, love, love.

This is absolutely amazing. I love how Martine is givnig the cold stare and how statuesque she looks here. Gorgeous.

This is just stunning. I love how Mona Lisa is holding herself with so much pride in this shot and her skin looks like absolute perfection here. Gorgeous.

This is just awesome. I love how regal and beautiful Elise looks here and I love how she's looking down as if she was disturbed of what was happening below her and is watching what is happening rather than looking at the camera.

This is gorgeous. I love how it kind of looks like Christina is indulging in Thea's scent or something. She looks absolutely gorgeous and very expensive here.

This is really awesome. I love how Martine is kind of looking at Elise saying "What are you looking at? Just look at the camera and look pretty and don't look down." Lovely.

This is really gorgeous. I love how confident Sasha looks yet she looks as she envies the people in the photo. I really like the close up, actually no, I absolutely adore the close up.

This is just gorgeous. I love how regal Marita looks here which is kind of fun to see different looks on Marita since I've always thought Marita was more the angelic-type and she's shown two completely different sides in both of her shots. I wish the pose was a little better though, but the close up is heaven.

This is really really really pretty. I love how long and regal Sina looks here and I love how despite all of the drama around her, Sina still manages to look pretty for the camera. Gorgeous.

I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I really like this shot of Thea. I love how she's kind of looking over and saying "What are you guys doing?". I wish she would have extended her neck a little bit more, but I still love this shot.

Goshia slightly reminds me of Alevtina here...slightly. Anyway's it a gorgeous shot. I love the way she's looking down with Elise to see what is going on. The only negative is that I wish her eyes weren't so sleepy.

This is just gorgeous. I love the drama in Helene's face. The only problem I have with this shot is that she kind of looks hooker-ish. Still, I do really like the close up minus that.

This is really great. I love the pissed attitude that Ida has here, but I think she took it a little too far. There's something a little ugly about this shoot and very weird about this shot. Still, it is a good close up.
Now, before I post the show's callouts, I wanted to post the full shot.
Absolutely amazing and definitely the best cast group shot in any NTM.
Here's the show's callout:
FCO: Martine L.
2. Froydis
3. Sasha
4. Mona Lisa
5. Goshia
6. Elise
7. Marita
8. Christina
9. Martine B.
10. Helene
11. Sina
Bottom 2: Ida and Thea
Eliminated: Thea
Up next is another fantastic shoot from Norway! The girls turn into murderous brides and the shots are just amazing.
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