So, it's the last shoot of the cycle! Yay! Overall, it was an okay shoot. One person did fantastic though.
1.Both shots are just amazing. First shot, I love how innocent Laura looks here and her skin looks like a dream. And in the second shot, I love who cute and bubbly Laura looks (which in a way, I didn't really expect...again!) and her legs like always look very long. Once, again...UH-MAZING!
First shot is a little fake. Her smile doesn't really look natural. Her second shot is an improvement. I love the wind in the hair and her smile does look natural here to me.
First shot is really nice. I love the hair movement and how fresh and tall Hosanna looks here. The second shot is the opposite of the first shot as she kind of looks like a mom smiling at the camera. It's a nice shot though.
And the call outs!
FCO: Christobelle
Bottom 2: Laura and Hosanna
Eliminated: Hosanna
And then Christobelle won the first cycle of New Zealand's Next Top Model.
Here's my elimination order:
13. Tiffany (Stiff and boring. Plus a weak casting shot and an uninspiring look...sorry Tiffany)
12. Sarah (If it was something like you were throwing up, I'd understand, but over a headache?! I'm sorry but you're past performance can't save you and your excuse just auto-eliminated you)
11. Rhiannon (I really love your look, but you've had 3 mediocre shots and although this shot was an improvement, I don't think you're going to get any better)
10. Lucy ( was pretty much between you and your sister and TBH although both of you were tied, Olivia's shot last week was fantastic and trumps your best shot sadly.)
9. Olivia (We gave you a second chance, but your shot was boring and I think that you may be a one hit wonder. :( )
8. Ruby (Your shot this week was absolutely terrible, but Teryl-Leigh and Victoria have both had semi-strong past performances while you are probably the weakest of the bunch.)
7. Ajoh (Your portfolio up to here has been lovely, but your shot this week didn't portray your emotion at all.)
6. Teryl-Leigh (Although I absolutely adore your Watch, Emotions, and Aviator, your shot this week was week and your past performance hasn't been as strong as the other 3)
5. Victoria (Victoria, I love you and your portfolio in general, but this shot was sadly the weakest of this week and sadly your overall portfolio couldn't save you.)
4. Christobelle (Christobelle, although your portfolio has been strong, your shot this week was weak and at this stage where all of the girls have strong portfolios, this little flaw couldn't have been forgiven)
3. Hosanna (Hosanna, I love your strength and determination, but overall, the judges think that your shots this week were not as strong as Laura and RR)
2. Rebecca Rose (Were you robbed on the show? Of course! Could you have made it this far with a fantastic portfolio? Of course! You continued to surprise me with fantastic shots that weren't always your genre. Please continue modeling!)
1. Laura (Generally the best and probably the best look for the New Zealand markets and also a lovely look for overseas. Your portfolio was absolutely fantastic and like RR, you continued to surprise me by doing fantastic in genres that may not be your cup of tea.)
And that's a wrap for New Zealand's Cycle 1! Up next, I'm going to be posting my top 10 favorite and least favorite shots from Australia's Cycle 5, Benelux' Cycle 1, and New Zealand's Cycle 1. :)
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