This is just fantastic. I love how delicate and effortless Chloe looks and I love how she's playing with her fingers and I love the big puffy hair! Basically, this shot is love.
This is probably one of my favorite shots of Sam on the show. I love her profile here and her face here. It's stunning.
This is a really hot shot of Gemma. I love how she looks like she knows she's hot and is trying to flaunt it. My negative though is that although Gemma is a stunning girl, there are times where she looks pedestrian and boring and this is one of the times.
This is a really cute shot of Simmone. I love the innocent look in her face, but the problem I have is that I wish she shot the shot full face and not turning around (I pretty much mean like Chloe's shot) and I wish they didn't give her that hair. D:
This is kind of bad. I mean she looks very actress-like here and I wish she didn't close her eyes here, plus the terrible angle on her chin and the styling is just blah. Yeah not good Zoe. :/
I don't really like the disgusted face here (or maybe it's a soft face; it just looks disgusted to me). Plus I think the hair looks terrible and like Zoe I wish she would open her eyes.
FCO: Shannon
2. Samantha
3. Simmone
4. Gemma
Bottom 2: Zoe and Chloe
Quit: Allana!
Next week is intimate with some olympic medalist (AKA another meh shoot).
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