
Fantastic shot of Alex and definitely my favorite of the cycle. I love how she's playing with her fingers and just giving a strong stare. Amazing.

Awesome shot; Raina really went for ugly-pretty and I love how she's kind of in her own world and looking at the camera as if it's disturbing it. It's a pretty great shot.

Well, this is a pretty awesome but like the majority of Krista's portfolio, it's amazing...if you cover up the face. I really do love the shot though I don't get the major OMG AMAZING that the panel had for this shot.

So Angelea really tried to go for ugly-pretty but I think that this shot is really terrible. The expression is pretty bad and I think that she makes the dress look really strange. And what's up with the jean jacket?
And show's call outs!
FCO: Krista
Bottom 3: Raina, Alexandra, and Angelea
Eliminated: Alexandra and Angelea
Up next is *cues the girls voices during panel when Tyra announces the winning prizes* COVERGIIIIIIRL! and the finale! :D
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