This is just fantastic. I love how Christobelle kind of looks like a country girl mixed with a little bit of dancer mixed with a high-fashion model. The dress looks lovely on her and I love her face here. The only thing I don't like are her toes here, but that's a minor flaw. It's still a lovely shot.
This shot really reminds me of the little drummer boy (or girl in this case). I really love the white and red on Ajoh. I love the cute and innocent look on her face here. Probably my favorite shot of Ajoh.
So...this is another shot that's extremely controversial, but I absolutely adore this shot. She kind of looks like an alien who is crawling up in the beach. Her eyes look amazing and I think that the overall shot is lovely.
This is such a cool shot. I love the dress looks here and how relaxed and cute Hosanna looks here. I love the overall shot in general. There's something about it that I love, but I have never really been able to put my finger on it.
This is a pretty good shot of Ruby and probably my second favorite shot of her after her paint beauty shot. I love how she looks like a flamenco dancer here. The pose is nice, but her body does look a little strange here (then again, I'm pretty sure her body is not a model-type of body whatsoever). Still, it is a really good shot.
This is a really cute shot of Victoria. Like usual, she looks absolutely gorgeous here and there's something quite whimsical about this shot that I love about it. My only negative is that she looks a little bit old, but besides that, it's a great shot.
This is pretty good. I really like the simple posing and I think her legs look really nice here and the dress is really cute as well. The problem that I have with this shot is it's the same sad expression every time.
So I really like the shot. I like her "I'm so cool" expression on her face and her pointed toe. The problem I have with this shot is that Laura isn't really giving shape to the dress. It just looks like a curtain wrapped around her. I think that part of the reason was the stylists though. They were probably mad at her for saying that the dress at the challenge the week before was "comfy" and just gave her a dress with no shape whatsoever but was comfortable. ._.
So I really think that Lucy looks very pretty here and the dress and headpiece are nice, but she looks 4' here. I love her face here although I think it kind of looks like a 6 year old's face. She looks very pretty here, but she looks too short and too young here for me. :/
So...like always Rhiannon looks gorgeous and like always, that's pretty much it. I really don't like the way she's sitting on the floor because she's making herself appear shorter and she's scrunching up the dress so you can't really see it. I don't really mind her facial expression because at least she looks beautiful but I hate how you can't see any neck whatsoever (I know a shot doesn't always need neck, but Rhiannon definitely needs some neck extension here). She got eliminated in this shoot and sadly she overstayed her welcome by a week, but she really was adorable personality-wise.
And here were the call outs from the show:
FCO: Ajoh
2. Ruby
3. Christobelle
4. Hosanna
5. Rebecca Rose
6. Teryl-Leigh
7. Laura
8. Lucy
Bottom 2: Victoria and Rhiannon
Eliminated: Rhiannon
Up next is a cute, bubbly, and commercial but still expensive shoot with surprisingly good results.
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