This is pretty much perfection. I love everything about this shot. Her eyes are probably the best part of this shot and I love the pissed-off expression and her hair in the face. Lovely.
I absolutely love this shot. I love the soft expression on Alice's face and how delicate and beautiful she looks here. Her skin looks lovely and I love her eyes here as well.
This shot is pretty much loved/hated, but I really do love this shot. I love how Steph doesn't look like an editorial girl here but an actual model and I love the slight angry expression on her face. This is lovely.
This is such a lovely shot of Anika. I love how her face photographs here and how sweet and kind she looks. Plus, I'm digging her new makeover.
What I love about this shot of Sophie is that she's doing exactly what is asked in a beauty shot which is to show off her best features which she does here to perfection. I love how all of her small features look here and the way she's looking to the side to see who's there. This is a lovely shot.
This is probably Jane's best shot. I really love the way she's holding her neck and how all of her features look. The eyes are a little half-way, but in a way I think it works because she looks soft and serene which is totally different from what we normally see of Jane.
This isn't really that good. I mean yeah Jordan looks pretty, but her face looks very round and this doesn't really look like a shot of a model rather than an actress head-shot.
Love the makeover, love the evil look in her eyes, but the problem is that she made herself look a little older and the angle of her nose is absolutely terrible.
This is pretty much the definition of mediocre. There's nothing really exciting about her look in this shot although I will admit that I like how her eyes look here.
Eyes are gorgeous, everything else is really bad. Her face did not photograph well here and I hate the hand. Not a good shot of Danica.
And the show's call outs
FCO: Paloma
2. Danica
3. Steph F.
4. Alice
5. Anika
6. Jane
7. Steph H.
8. Sophie
Bottom 2: Jordan and Kara
Eliminated: Kara
Up next is a runway shoot which has some lovely shots, but also some not-so-lovely shots. I actually like that they did a runway shoot though.
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