Last shoot of the cycle! Let's finish this baby up!
1.Yeah, yeah, yeah I know this is the 8th FCO I've given to Froydis. But honestly, she deserved every one of them. This is so awesome, fresh, commercial, high fashion, european, etc. Yeah, this is love.
This is really pretty like usual from Marita, but TBH she doesn't really look like a model here. She just looks like a pretty girl trying to be a model.
Aaand she's back to mediocre photos. This shot is boring dull, blah blah blah. Her eyes look great, but she reminds me of Anna C2 which isn't really a good thing
And the show's call out!
FCO: Marita
Bottom 2: Martine and Froydis
Quit because of an illness: Froydis
And then Martine won. D:
And of course my elimination order!
15. Vana (Absolutely terrible photograph, sorry but she needed to go)
14. Line (Gorgeous girl, but I don't think she could model that well)
13. Ida (I absolutely love some of Ida's future shots, but now she sucked. Two bad shots in a row is not good,)
12. Sasha (Not sure why she was eliminated outside of panel, but TBH I won't miss her)
11. Thea (Boring girl bad photos, so yeah I'll eliminate her now)
10. Silje (What is with the terrible girls who are brought in late in the competition? Dull, dull, dull!)
9. Martine L. (She does have some amazing photos, but TBH she had only one lovely shot up to this point and that's not good.)
8. Helene (Helene took some lovely shots, but the 7 other girls are much stronger than her)
7. Mona Lisa (I don't know why I can't find her shot, but her portfolio is probably one of the weaker ones and her shot probably wasn't that good. :/)
6. Goshia (Consistently pretty photos but never fantastic, sadly this is as far as I can take Goshia.)
5. Marita (Okay, well I love Marita, but TBH her shot would have probably been the weakest one and her portfolio sadly can't save her :( )
4. Martine B. (11th my butt, this girl was robbed. She consistently took lovely photos and she would have continued to have taken amazing photos)
3. Christina (Christina took some lovely photos, but sadly she did take some not so lovely photos and I don't think she'd do that amazing TBH. Still, she was love.)
2. Elise (Oh Elise, so amazingly consistent. The only girl who got FCO minus Froydis and was truly robbed. Love you Elise!)
1. Froydis (Well, what do you expect? Girl was amazing taking 8 FCO's from me which is probably a first. Froydis was robbed.)
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