This is just perfection. I love everything about this shot to her soft expression. I know a lot of people say that she doesn't have any life in her face at all, but honestly in HQ she does and she looks just fantastic.
This is so awesome. I love how sexy Paloma looks here and the way she's posing. She looks like some sea creature. Amazing!
This is just amazing. Her body looks pretty good here and I love her very serene expression. Is it me or does she kind of look like Diane in this shot (and I mean it in a good way)? Nonetheless, it's a lovely shot.
This is just stunning and definitely an amazing way to start of the competition. I love how calm her face looks and her body looks fantastic. She's really selling the swimsuit. Definitely her best shot in the competition.
Well, Steph had a kind of unfair advantage this week since she got to redo the shoot without a challenge win or anything, but it really came to her advantage here. This is just amazing. I love how this whole shot is in profile and I love how her face photographed in this shot.
Body=absolutely fantastic, face=not so great. Like I said the body looks fantastic and everything about it looks perfect; the face however looks a little unsure, but still this is a really great shot.
This is a really good shot. I love how serene and calm Jordan looks here and I actually really like the angle on her face, but her pose is not as good as her face. I mean waist up is lovely, but the angle on her legs make them look huge which is not good, but still it's a really great shot.
This is pretty much like Jordan's shot. Love the face and the drama in it, but her body looks absolutely terrible and her legs looks short.
So remember how I said that she looked mature and elegant rather than a child playing dress up last shoot? Yeah this is one of the times where her youth works against her. Her body looks okay, but her whole look here looks very child-like and I don't like how her face photographed here. Still, I know that she be able to improve...a little.
This an okay shot of Jane. I kind of like the serenity in her face and how she's closed her eyes, but her body looks even worse than Mikarla's in her swimsuit couture. I never realized how slim Jane was and here, you can definitely tell (not really a bad thing unless she's thin in a unhealthy way although I don't think she was); still it's a good shot.
This is pretty much the definition of mediocre. She's pretty much lying there and doing nothing, plus her body looks bad here. Not a good shot of Cassandra and glad she left.
And the show's call outs!
FCO: Jordan
2. Steph H.
3. Steph F.
4. Alice
5. Jane
6. Anika
7. Danica
8. Kara
9. Sophie
Bottom 2: Cassandra and Paloma
Eliminated: Cassandra
Up next is a simple beauty shoot. The results range from fantastic to bad so this should be an interesting shoot.
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